CO2e (KG) saved
Carbon and other Greenhouse Gases are given off in the manufacture of products. Every item transferred using WARPit saves on carbon emissions because a new item does not have to be manufactured, transported and purchased. Using standard conversion factors we are able to work out the estimated carbon dioxide equivalent. The conversion factors are calculated by Centre for Sustainability Accounting (CenSA), York, based on previous calculations by Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), University of York
Money saved (£)
Each item transferred on WARPit is given a replacement purchasing value. This is the cost of purchasing a new item. The value is derived from public sector priced catalogues. Each item is also given waste disposal financial value related to it’s weight and volume. The total cost (£) saving is made up from internal trades, external inward trades, waste cost savings. This figure may also include the value (£) of time saved by staff, from avoiding the normal quote, purchase order, invoice process.
Waste (KG) diverted
This is a measure of waste being diverted into reuse rather than disposal. Each item that is transferred using WARPit is given an approximate average weight value (KG) based on a sector leading bulky waste guide. If the KG information for an item is not included in the reference document an average weight of the item is estimated using company specification data.
Donated To 3rd sector (£)
Value (£) of items donated to 3rd sector. The value of an item (£) multiplied by number of items given to 3rd sector organisations by the host organisation.