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Reduce purchasing costs

The new owner of the transferred resource does not have to purchase their new equipment and some large organisations are saving £5,000 each month on avoided procurement.

Reduce waste disposal costs

Warp It finds new owners for resources / goods / equipment inside your organisation or within partner organisations. Reduced waste means, no need to pay for clearance firms, skips, disposal charges or staff time filling skips!

Improve current reuse system

Warp It improves your current email or message board reuse systems by introducing better management and control and increases the ease of participation, which maximises resource use. Warp It also reduces legal and safety risks, with both contributor and claimant having to pass security checks and abide by the 'transfer of ownership' T&Cs. 

Increase recycling and refurb'

If the equipment or resource is to be scrapped, Warp It acts as a waste management system, diverting waste to recycling or refurbishment. This feature can be used for the collection of any waste, for example, timber, scrap metal and WEEE. Warp It also acts as a link between organisations disposing of goods, with refurbishment or disposal charities and other organisations..

Easy participation

Warp It is so easy to use it maximises the chance of bringing the unused items into use. The user friendly, intuitive interface encourages everyone to be part of the solution by developing excellent community networks.

Building Clearances and refurbishment

Using Warp It allows you to manage your building clearance in a timely and efficient manner. If you have limited time to empty a whole building, new owners of your equipment can be found even before the clearance starts ensuring reuse is maximised and delays reduced. By advertising locally, nationally and internally via the Warp It club feature, fixtures and fittings can also be reused.

Increase space efficiency

It is human nature to hoard items, saving them for a rainy day. We do this because we don't want to dispose of items that may be of use in the future. The result is that, premium space is being taken up by resources that become obsolete and in reality, organisations are simply storing waste and delaying its disposal.

Warp It makes it easy, convenient and acceptable to give or loan resources to others who need it, thus bringing the unused into use and liberating precious space!

Better partnership collaboration

One of the main objectives of Warp It is to help organisations to collaborate and receive maximum value from resources. The system allows organisations to link up to develop reciprocal sharing networks on a local, national and international level.

Welcome to the Warp It clubs!

User profile pages

Warp It is a global and local reuse community. Each member has their own profile space detailing their transactions and how much CO2 , money and waste they save; a great incentive to participate. Members have full control of their participation in the community from specifying the type of resources they want to be notified about (reducing email fatigue) to adding their own "wish list" so that they get notified first if an item becomes available.

Easy photo upload and library

It is important to upload good quality images to give other member organisations a good idea of the resource being offered. Uploading photos is easy and we highly recommend all members use this facility. If you do not have a camera, you can pick an image from our database which is the best match.

Stock management

If your organisation has space for storing assets, Warp It acts as a stock control system where you can make your market place private and run your portal with a stock room.


Lower carbon emissions 

The new owner does not need to purchase new stuff, and so reduce emissions associated with manufacture and transport.

Business Continuity 

The system can be used to partner with others in the same sector in order to share common surplus resources used in running critical services. For example, this is very effective for hospitals or universities sharing technical lab or medical equipment.

Climate Change Mitigation

The system can be used as a joint asset management system between organisations, who need to keep running during emergency situations like flooding.

For example, following episodes of flooding, a number of schools have used Warp It to borrow equipment off each other and Councils working in partnership have used Warp It to manage redistribution of pumping equipment.

Management reports

Warp It provides management reports so your organisation knows exactly how much CO2 and money has been saved and how much waste has been diverted from landfill.

Support charity activity

Resources that cannot be reused internally or with reciprocal sharing partners can be legally and safely transferred to local charity, community groups and even staff, saving them money and demonstrating civic leadership. The system also supports charity recyclers and refurbishment activities.

Go beyond furniture

Warp It creates the platform to safely and legally loan or give away any resource, going way beyond furniture to include electrical equipment, fixtures and fittings, bulky waste and even office plants and tea sets!

Reduce visible waste

There is nothing more embarrassing or wasteful than a skip full of usable resources, furniture or equipment sitting outside your premises. Warp It system prevents this by making it very easy reallocate your items to new owners.

Reduce risk and insurance

Warp It helps you to manage resources and waste better reducing legal liability.

Very quick payback time

The Warp It return on investment is swift. If your organisation takes out the highest level package, this investment would be returned in the transfer of ownership of just 10 desks and 10 operator chairs. And then the real savings can begin!


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