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Warp It admin view
The admin can control all aspects of the system, user behaviour, access, items being traded and 3rd party activity.
Customise the settings to fit your organisations policies and procedures.
Keep track of all transactions for reporting, control and audit.

Customise the appearance of the portal

Each organisation is given their own private portal where staff can trade items. The portal can be customised with company logos. The admin sets up how the portal functions in accordance with the organisation’s policies and practices.

Control staff access

If it is a concern, the admin can set which staff can view and claim items internally, as well as controlling how staff view items in other organisations.

Control staff behaviour

The admin can make sure staff behave in the correct manner with fully customisable notifications and prompts throughout the system. This feature also facilitates the smooth transport of items.

Control item trades

The admin can fix the settings, so that only certain categories of items are traded on the system. For example electrical items can be turned off, or just redistributed internally - reducing risk.

Control 3rd party access

Keep the organisation portal private for staff only, or make surplus resources available to preferred partners, or open up sharing settings to any other organisation on the system. Customise automatic messages to 3rd parties to make sure they behave in accordance with policy.

Admin guide

Click here to see a full guide to the admin capabilities.

Click here to see how transfer items legally and safely.

Click here to learn how the system sends custom messages.

What resources are required to embed Warp It?

We estimate it takes about 5 days to get Warp It embedded and at least 30 mins a month for the admin to maintain the system. We provide all of the communication materials you might need. Click here for a guide.

What our customers are saying


Abbey Adigun, Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust

The Warp It site is a good source for reusing items no longer needed.

Saves the Health Board money in the process.

Win - win situation!

Anon, Hywel Dda University Health Board

My colleague and I Warp It all the time and peruse weekly for free stuff for our department in critical care .

The money we have saved on desks, filing cabinets and pedestals is fabulous and the guys that deliver are always on time and totally helpful.

10 out of 10!

jacqui , NHS Lothian