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Warp It admin view
Benefits to a wide range of users internally.
Better management and control of resources.
Maximise value of resources.

Manage redistribution of problematic items

Electrical items can be redistributed internally and if not claimed the item details can be sent to the appropriate person for collection and recycling- or the items can be shared with 3rd parties.

Reduce Facilities Management staff time

Instead of items being uplifted and stored, then delivered to the new point of use. Users now upload their items for the rest of staff to view conveniently on the marketplace. The transfer is then from point of disposal to point of reuse. Cutting down movements, damage and staff injury risk by half.

Reduce the need for clearance contractors

3rd sector and other partners claim and then clear surplus items in a controlled safe and legal manner- carrying out most of the building clearance. Any leftover items can be cleared in the usual manner- reducing costs.

Efficient and ethical Building clearances

If staff are still using the item up to a certain point, specify when it becomes available to claim. Other users can add the item to their Watchlist and claim the item in advance of it becoming available. This saves time and is very useful for building clearances.

Pre-defined categories

Users choose from categories and sub categories of items. If an item is not there the system will self-remember for the next occasion.

Save time with photo library option

Upload a photo straight from your device or PC. If you do not have a photo you can pick from the photo library.


If your organisation has storage facilities the software can act as a stock control mechanism - so you always know what is in the store- and staff can conveniently check on their PCs.

Declutter and reduce space costs

It is human nature to hoard “stuff” until we can find a good use for it. The system provides the perfect vehicle to liberate space and pass those unused or surplus items to others who need them more.


View the Downloads section to find out about Business cases and reports, meeting documents, email templates and posters.

Downloads Page
Business Case
Email Templates

What our customers are saying

Great way of reusing and reducing waste!

Anon, Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust

This service is a wonderful way of making use of very good resources which are no longer required by those who hold them.

Saves waste and a blessing to anyone in need of what is surplus to another area.

Great work in enabling this movement of resources!

Anne MacDonald, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde

This is an amazing service!

What a great way to save money and having it delivered is a great advantage!

Lesley monaghan, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde