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Building clearances are time critical and finding homes for assets quickly and easily is challenging. As soon   as a vague building vacancy date is known it is possible to pre load assets onto the system. Even when staff   are still using the assets they can be booked by others. This allows for a quick turnaround when the vacancy date arrives.

Add assets quickly

The assets are added to the marketplace via PC, smart phone or tablet. Items can be offered to internal   staff first then external bodies. It is possible to add 100 radial desks in one upload. Therefore catalouging   a whole building can be done fairly quickly.

Watch list

If the the building is still being used, any interested parties add the assets to their “Watch list”.   When the assets become available (on the vacancy date) all of the parties watching the assets get a   notification message. Internal staff are prioritised over external organisaitons.


The claimant arranges collection in accordance with the instructions given in their confirmation   email. Building clearance staff give instructions as to the final location and removal procedures   and keeps the confimation receipt.

Reduce costs, track assets and benefits

Using the system to redistribute assets internally reduces purchasing costs and externally,   reduces clearance and waste costs. The system tracks every transaction and the associated   financial and environmenal costs, to demonstrate value for money, leadership and corporate   social responsibility. The legal terms and conditions are also recorded.

The risk of using the serice is that assets are left over and 100% is not cleared- this   means a traditional clearance method is still required. Although there will be far less assets to clear.

Building Clearance

To read in detail about how to do a Building Clearance using Warp It please see here.

To assist with a building clearance please see here for a guide to bulk upload.

What our customers are saying

Good Service!

It makes use of equipment's life-time , adding value to the purpose of it's design and very importantly reducing the carbon foot print in some areas!

Sankar Andiappa Pillai, NHS Tayside

Its amazing that finally someone decided to reduce wastage and think about environment.

It also help with money savings too. Excellent! :-)

Anon, NHS Lothian

Quick and easy way to prevent wastage and to make unwanted items accessible to those who may need them :)

Anon, King's College London